Myanmar Taw Natural



Green Land Estate is located on the road between Pyin Oo Lwin and Mogok, near the border of Mandalay Division and Northern Shan State. It is a family business led by U Sai Wan, who recalls seeing coffee farms along the road near Pyin Oo Lwin during trips from Yangon to visit family in Northern Shan. Today, he manages one of the largest arabica plantations in the country (about 450 acres) and has won awards in several editions of Myanmar's national quality competitions.

U Sai Wan is the Sales Director of Mandalay Coffee Group, one of the primary leaders of the Myanmar Coffee Association and a prominent innovator in the national industry. He operates the estate together with his uncle, aunt, two local agronomists, and numerous local workers.

Most of the coffee grown at Green Land Estate is Costa Rica, a type of Catimor, with SL34 making up about 10% of the production. U Sai Wan is also experimenting with new varieties such as Yellow Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, and Geisha.


MicrolotNew ArrivalSpecialty

Pyin Oo Lwin, Mandalay Division
Green Land Estate
U Sai Wan
1.500 - 1.600 masl
Original bag net weight:
60 kg


Cupping score certified by Q-Graders and obtained through the SCA protocol.

Aroma: 8,25
Taste: 8,00
Acidity: 8,25
Body: 8,50
Aftertaste: 8,00
Equilibrium: 8,00
Global: 8,00
Uniformity: 10,00
Cup: 10,00
Sweetness: 10,00
Final score: 87,00
Cupper's notes

Cupper's notes

A well-balanced coffee with mild citric acidity, sweetness, and good body. Fruity aroma with notes of grape and cherry. Sweet hints of honey and caramel.

Fruit Candy
Green Coffee Analysis

Green Coffee Analysis

Grain analysis

Screen Screen: 17+
Humidity Humidity: 12,0 %
Density Density: 804 g/L

Storage environment analysis

Humidity Humidity: 52 %
Temperature Temperature: 28°C
Analysis conducted on: 04/06/2024
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More Info

Harvest: Ripe cherries are harvested by hand from the Green Land Estate.

Hand-sorting: The cherries are immersed in water and hand-sorted to remove under-ripe and over-ripe fruits.

Drying: The cherries are spread on raised beds for drying, for a period ranging from 11 to 32 days, depending on weather variations.

Milling: The dried cherries are hulled to remove the outer layers of the fruit before sorting, grading, and bagging.

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