Link / Advanced sensory analysis

Explore the charm and complexity of coffee through the senses. This is not just a simple course but a journey to thoroughly understand every aromatic and flavor nuance of coffee.


Why participate?


- Skill enhancement: You will have the opportunity to refine your sensory tasting skills through guided sessions led by a highly experienced industry professional.

- Taste practical experience: Practical cupping exercises on processing methods, different acidity levels (citric, malic, and phosphoric), coffee bitterness types, various roasting levels, and triangulations.

- Smell practical experience: Practical exercises using Le Nez du café and Le Nez du Vin to sharpen your senses and sensory memory.

- Practical and theoretical aroma identification: Learn to identify and describe the various aromatic nuances present on the aroma wheel and its proper use, including SCA protocols.

- Quality assessment: Cupping with SCA protocol, identifying defects or imperfections, and calibration.


Who will lead the course?


Miranda Ciarfuglia, Q-Grader for Arabica and Robusta (one of only four individuals in Italy with this dual qualification), certified as a Tea Champion and international judge for the selection and tasting of the world's finest coffees (most recently served as a judge appointed by EICEV in Venezuela in 2023).



More Info

More Info


- 2 days of intensive training, totaling 16 hours.

- The course will be conducted in either Italian, English or Spanish based on the participants' preferences.



- October 21-22, 2023, from 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM (Limited Seats)

- October 28-29, 2023, from 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM

- November 4-5, 2023, from 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM



- Location: LBF Group Italia - Frazione Quarto Inferiore 284/R1 - 14100 Asti



- The maximum number of participants is 3 people.



- The 16-hour course costs €970.00 excluding VAT.

- A 30% deposit is required at the time of booking.


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LBF Group Italia

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