

Certified Quality Guarantee

What is Specialty Coffee?

More and more frequently, we hear about Specialty Coffee, and those who are attentive may have also noticed how the market is starting to offer an expanding range of "special" coffee qualities. This trend, as it has happened in other industries in the past, such as olive oil and wine, is starting to attract the curious ones who seek as much information as possible to make an informed choice dedicated to the pursuit of quality. But what should someone know before delving into Specialty Coffee and making a purchase?

Specialty Coffees are certified quality coffees (Each of our Specialty Coffees is accompanied by a certificate that certifies its score) and they are called so when they reflect the following characteristics:

A) Defined Quality: The quality score is assigned by Q-Graders who follow the cupping protocol of the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association). All Arabica coffees with a score above 80 points can be defined as Specialty Coffees (from 80 to 85 points: very good / from 85 to 90 points: excellent / from 90 to 100 points: exceptional).

B) Defects: Specialty Coffee must be free from any aromatic or flavor defects that could negatively impact its quality.

C) Traceability: Each coffee should have no secrets, therefore complete traceability of the production area, producer, processing method, botanical variety, harvest, altitude, and detailed descriptions are essential.

D) Description: Specialty Coffee has a distinct identity, characteristic flavors, and specific aromas. Each coffee has a detailed profile describing all the taste and olfactory impressions during the cupping phase.

Every day, we strive to share what not everyone knows, describing each individual coffee in the best possible way and providing complete traceability starting from its origin, quality, botanical variety, and processing method, all the way to describing the specific taste experience in the cup. We believe that every coffee should have no secrets, which is why we created this continuously evolving portal in 2018, making it available to roasters and coffee enthusiasts alike.

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LBF Group Italia

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